The craft of bamboo and rattan is probably no longer strange to us. This is a traditional profession and has been passed down by our ancestors for generations. This bamboo and rattan craft mainly produces bamboo and rattan crafts. Aiming to serve the daily life of people such as baskets, racks, baskets, tables, chairs, etc.
However, as time goes on, the bamboo and rattan industry is developing more and more. The development of the economy led to the development of craft villages. But craft villages that know how to seize opportunities have a very high development potential. Up to now, our country has thousands of bamboo and rattan craft villages. Provide products with increasingly diverse products in terms of designs and prices.

When modern machinery and equipment are increasingly used in production. Make time and labor productivity increase. As well as the quality of bamboo and rattan products is getting better and better. Especially when lacquer technology has been applied by craftsmen to this profession. Create products with high quality, eye-catching designs. Therefore, bamboo and rattan crafts are increasingly popular. Not only serving domestic customers but also exporting to countries around the world.

To get quality bamboo and rattan crafts with diverse designs, you must go through the following steps:
Step 1: Choose bamboo and rattan materials accordingly.
The type of bamboo selected must be the best, must be the type of bamboo that is not young, not old, grows straight, has high hardness.
Step 2: Preliminary processing of bamboo and rattan materials.
For bamboo materials: Chop the body and then dry it again, treat it against termites.
For rattan materials: Rattan is characterized by a lot of sharp spikes around. Therefore, when carrying out the preliminary processing of rattan, it is necessary to be very careful. The outer shell of the spines will be removed and then dried to move to the initial processing stage.

Step 3: Material handling
For bamboo materials: Bamboo is shaved, polished with sandpaper. Then put in the oven, use straw or bamboo leaves to smoke. This stage has the effect of creating color, helping to dry the material, and helping to prevent warping. After smelting, the bamboo will have a western brown or dark brown color. Let the bamboo cool and then straighten it.
For rattan materials: Rattan is dried both to dry the material and to get the color.
Step 4: Split yarn
Rattan and bamboo want to be used, they must be chopped and plucked into yarn before they can be knitted.